By Ayashma Tuladhar and Paribu Drew Thapa
Sep 08, 2017

Burunchuli is a small and beautiful village located in Lalitpur, just bit farther then Sunakoti. We had the privilege to visit this village quite recently on the 2nd of September, Friday.

We visited the school first in order to figure out our program for the upcoming literacy day on the 8th of September. All the children were more than happy and enthusiastic to participate in all activities they were asked about. They were all very frank and did not hesitate to raise questions and ideas.

Soon after finishing the work at school, we headed off towards the houses which were being rebuilt for the villagers after their houses were affected by the earthquake. This program is being conducted by the RFC (Rebuild for Change) program – a joint initiative of Creasion and Rotary Club of Jawalakhel Manjushree. The houses all looked well-built and sturdy; the design was properly thought out as well. The environment was so much cleaner and calmer than we had expected it to be.

We saw how the bricks were made for the construction of the houses and we had a go at making a few as well. The process was so easy and quick, and the results were remarkable. All the bricks were made by the women of the village. Being a woman we personally felt soo good to see women out there were self-dependent.

Just as strong as the houses were, so were the people of Burunchuli. They were enthusiastic and gave all their hard work for the making of their new houses. Even the elderly were filled with zest and energy. For example, as we were taking pictures of the surroundings and people we asked an old lady, round about the age of 70, to look into the camera for a picture and without any hesitation, she posed like any young girl would have posed for the camera.

Our first trip to Burunchuli was amazing, and we surely wouldn’t mind going there again.

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