This August, the Creasion team organized a field trip to Chitwan in order to welcome five new schools into the Waste Smart School initiative as part of the Recycler Saathi project together with goodwill ambassador Parakram Rana and actress Shilpa Maskey. The visit to the local office also gave the colleagues from Kathmandu the chance to spend a day with the Chitwan chapter of Volunteer For Change and create the yearly curriculum with the Waste Smart School Teachers.
The trip was kicked off by a day with the young volunteers in Chitwan who were eager to share their experiences and impressions from working on local recycling initiatives. During an interactive session on the concept of circular economies and plastic circularity in Nepal, the volunteers got to discuss their new insights on sustainable development practices. During this session, they also brainstormed a variety of long-term approaches to move towards circular economies in Nepal. They then got to implement the new learnings creatively by developing innovative business ideas in smaller teams, and even had the unique chance to pitch their ideas to Mr. Aanand Mishra, Founder and President of Creasion; Ms. Sujata Koirala, General Secretary of Creasion; Mr. Parakram Rana, Goodwill Ambassador of Creasion; and Ms. Shilpa Maskey, a renowned artist and actress of Nepal. During the afternoon, the volunteers also got to engage with the senior management and celebrity guests through keynote speeches and Q&A sessions. The successful and intensive day was concluded by photo opportunities with the celebrity guests and dinner at Creasion’s Innovation Hub.
Over the following two days, the Creasion teams from Chitwan and Kathmandu, graced by the presence of our celebrity guests, had the honor of visiting and participating in the inaugurations of five schools to recycler Saathi’s Waste Smart School program. By joining this program, the schools share a Memorandum of Understanding with Creasion on implementing recycling practices and engaging their students through Waste Smart Clubs. Each club consist of eleven highly motivated students who are committed to raising awareness on the importance of recycling. During the inauguration, the club members and their fellow students participated in an oath taking ceremony and received the necessary equipment to set up their clubs, such as Waste Smart School Club kits, dustbins, notice boards, and seed money. Thanks to Janajagriti Secondary School, Ratnanagar-14; Dwarikadas Secondary School, Ratnanagar-14; Malpur Secondary School, Sauraha, Ratnanagar-7; Shree Bishwa Prakash Secondary School, Bharatpur-15; and Shree Rastriya Adharbhut Bidhalaya, Bharatpur-4, the Waste Smart School initiative is able to expand its reach to the distinguished schools and communities. This way, students from a young age get to learn about the importance of environmental protection practices such as sustainable waste management, engage with their peers and communities by implementing recycling practices, and enhance their educational experience by participating in Waste Smart Clubs.