One might be forgiven for thinking that the International Summit being held in Paris concerns the terrorist situation that is ISIS, the discussions being held are for a problem that has been extant long before the terrorist organisation had taken its first steps. Climate Change has been an inexorable wave that has been tailing us since the 19th Century, and even though it has been the topic for much debate and even more research, a one-size-fits-all solution hasn’t yet been promulgated. While in fact, one-size-should-fit-all is what should be put in play at the moment, it hasn’t been a very popular idea- despite the gravity of the situation. With the COP 21: Climate Summit in Paris finally edging towards a deal to reduce (notice how it’s reduced and not reverse) the effects of industrialisation, some of the key arguments being made for and against a worldwide overhaul, highlight the different perspectives and understandings of the situation as people see it. Some think that there are more taxing matters waiting to be dealt first, some think that it’s unfair on developing countries that they need to cut down on their use of fossil fuels, others mainly support the idea of change, but are unsure of its extent. But let’s get to the main questions the article is trying to ask in the context of our own environment: Where does Nepal stand in this, and if the answer isn’t so straightforward- Where should Nepal stand in the face of Climate Change?
Nepal, being one of the most climate-vulnerable mountain LDC, has been actively engaging itself in implementing actions to adapt to the changing climate, as well as leading from the front as a Chair of the LDC Coordination Group, for 2013, and 2014. According to Eco Experts, a group focused on following, and trying to limit -if not reverse- Global Warming, Nepal’s Green House Gas emission is less than 0.027 percent of the total global emission, it doesn’t have much to contribute in the way of limiting the effects of changing climate, but rather should brace itself, and has been doing all it can to try to adapt. For this, Nepal steady itself, because as stated earlier, we are vulnerable, and studies have shown that though Nepal might not turn into another Venice just yet as the situation in Venice is grave and Nepal is far cry from facing such situation, if the temperature continues to rise by 2°C, by 2050 water availability will be too low to produce our own food. Life might seem grinding without fuel, but try living without food. So then, another question arises: are we doing enough or is it all just show? Well, that is for you to decide, because the contribution of each individual living in a country matters if they are to truly adapt to the harsh changes in lifestyle we might need to brace ourselves for.
Remember, only we can be our own saviors.
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